the girl next door

aishani. keisha. nat.
a: is cute, but alot more. period. n: the sexy schizophrenic ringleader k: a pikachu like no other

“When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad, I’m better.” — Mae West.
underline italic bold
scream out loud

you're on your way

Pass it On
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just something I thought I wanted to share. I've realised something that matters a lot to me right now, maybe because of everything that's happening lately. Should share. :)

Last week, I was walking home at about 8 pm, tired from the day's events, and just wanting to go home and sleep. It was really pouring and I had an umbrella to save me from the rain. Then I saw this old lady, sitting in a sheltered bench, with a new born baby in her arm wrapped in an old cloth. the baby was asleep, but the old lady had a terribly worried look on her face. I continued walking, and before I knew it I had turned back heading towards her. I asked her if she wanted my umbrella and walked her home, which was a few blocks away.

A good deed is done when the person doesn't expect anything in return. All I wanted was for her to smile and be happy that she was home safely, and she was more than glad to thank me so many times. That was what made me smile the entire day, and I never forgot the incident.

haha not over yet.

Well, today it was raining too. so I was pathetically sitting at the bus-stop, with no umbrella, writing poetry and hopelessly getting inspiration from the rain. Pretty weird huh? Haha, then I saw the lady putting a plastic bag on her head, and a black scarf around her neck. I recognised her, and wondered why she did this. She approached me and asked if I lived at the block nearby, so I said yes. And that was when I knew.
The lady put her arms around my shoulder, protecting me from the rain, (just like how she had protected her baby) and walked me back home. When something like this happens, you can't help but smile and think about it.
And when I thanked her, all she said was "I'm just returning the favour."

To many, it seems like a very small incident, merely someone who helped.
But to me, it brought a message.
That no matter where we are, who we're with, the good deeds that we do all find their way back somehow.
That even when we don't expect anything in return, someone out there does something because they know we deserve it.
That when we smile, it should be for a reason. So that after that, we can pass the smile on to the next person. Just pass it on.

Maybe my purpose is to help people, like what I was telling Nat today. I wouldn't know though, it's probably way too early. I'm not Mother Theresa, but all I want to do for now, is pass it on once more, like I did, like the lady did. That in itself makes me happy, like never before.



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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
At times when I couldn't give a damn about realism, world-system theory, or when my eyes fail to comprehend anymore statistics, all i need to do is reach out for my handphone, and look at my saved texts. (Other solutions include making yet another pot of coffee and doing ten jumping jacks).
"Don't be beaten up by it. Things always tend to work out in the end. Trust in the Lord"
- Keisha

"... we will stand together through thick and thin. Be a family bonded by love. love for each other and love for what we are. We all love you too you know that right?.. Love you heaps :) See you tmrw spartan"
- Sanjana

"... don't give up or be weary, there really is always hope... Up your game every round, you can do anything! Do us proud, we've faith in you!"
- Amaris

".. but if you need anyone at all, i'll be wanting to help at all times. I hope you know that you mean alot ot me too. Love you!"
- Aishbo

"You don't need ot make me proud. Or any of us. Just focus on God nat, he'll do the rest. Don't push yourself to the brink of death. God has a plan, watch it unfold"
- Julia
Sigh, i love you guys, too.(:

I'll do this for my seniors, bless their demigod selves, who I can't let down by being lazy. I'll do this for my juniors, because our legacy will be one that is respected and revered. I'll do this for the coaches that actually really care about us. And I'll do this for my team, because noone else means as much, and noone else gives, loves and shares as much.

And I'll do this for God too. Because it's for His glory, after all.(:

I'm nothing with you guys. Come research papers, ASEAN reports and horrible Economists, I won't let go of you guys and the dream we share.




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Monday, October 26, 2009

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Ignore the obvious lackthereof reason and logic for the posting of this video. Its funny, inherent good in itself no?

In all honesty, im an ardent fan of tv shows, funny videos even comic strips in the daily newspapers, I used to be able to recite almost all the pokemon in season 1, an ability that I used to be immensely proud of. Recently, I haven’t been giving myself the opportunity to just relish in those childhood joys, take sometime to relax and try to enjoy the little joys in life.

Spongebob’s usual antics used to send me spiraling into unstoppable spasms of laughter, angelica’s behaviour in the rugrats offended my fundamental being, and I fell in love with Kenan and Kel. Sometimes, its nice to just revisit your childhood, it holds alot of truth about what we presently are.

Oh well, i never will be able to devote as much time to cartoons and shows as i would like, but that doesnt mean im going to give up on it forever. Hopefully this video manages to piqued some remnants of childhood memories, as it did on me, i promise that its "sugar,spice, and everything nice:D"


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Monday, October 12, 2009
WOOHOO!!!! ahahaha jolly jollyy so so jollyy.

1. EOYs finally end.
It's wonderful having the load of textbooks, worksheets, and memorising taken right off your shoulders, being able to look outside and not wonder whether the nitrogen cycle will be tested, or what the effects of Air pollution are. (I'm so glad geog's over, had an awful time memorising the entire textbook.)
btw, NAT. you shouldn't be happy, you still have chinese to go!! ahaha, and I've been here rejoicing for the past month because we got the hindi teacher to stop coming!!!! sigh free periods are wonderful. all that's left to do is well relax. Kinda feels empty cuz when I have nothing to do, I'm not sitting down with a textbook, or locking myself in a room telling ppl not to come in. Come to think of it, this was the time we were all dreaming of just yesterday, and the week before that too. well, I think now's much better anyways. Haha.
Now we can all happily happily debate debate debate all the way till the year ends.

this is what insane ppl do when they get too tired of typing on msn. Nat and I ended up having an entire msn convo today, which was in emoticons. then we switched to handwritten messages, which were actually just drawings. (I drew an egg and she drew a chicken, so intellectual, wondering which one comes first.)

The fact that convos can lead to such random topics like egg and chicken really intrigues me. ahahaha. Then we got tired and the entire convo became in CAPS. so weird, and loud. lol.
well, my art is horrible, so I'm sorry if it was hard to understand nat. I have to learn to paint properly, my art exam is the day after tomorrow (if you're wondering, I don't regard art as a proper exam. so for me, exams are still overrrr)
oh gosh, GAHH hate art.
I can't paint for nuts. :(

3. Here comes the random splat.
okay I didn't know what to call this, but somehow it kinda just feels like all these feelings are a splat nowadays. sigh sigh. :)
Huh. It's kinda become something I think about every day now. well you can't help it when the first thing you see if you look out of the window is the entire RJC campus. and it gets me thinking, about well, what I'm doing. yeahh I've tried using a telescope from my bedroom before (for the sky at first) then I lowered it and looked into RJ, and saw people studying in the classrooms. like 2 hours later, the same people were there. So it shows, they're there for a reason, and also because they deserve it. I was hoping maybe a few years down the road, I'll see someone I know in those classrooms, like Nat or Keisha. Maybe I'll see them debating. Haha, then I can shout HI across to them. and they'll wave back haha.
But sometimes, I look around and see the wonderful white-and-blue-ness of our MG, and think not of the future but of now. Think of how we ought not go around searching for what may take a lifetime to find, but create and discover what life has in store for us. Then we take it into our stride and actually make something out of it. okay so maybe I think of a few days later haha. Should I really do this?
But what really bothers me sometimes, is the fact that I won't be part of it all anymore and my name might just fade away. I wonder why I'm doing this. I know it's not me.

I desperately need a fortune cookie. Like in dire need of one, I waaaant. GAHHH, haven't had one in ages. I don't know if it's the fortune or the cookie I need, I just need both. And the facebook ones aren't good enough.


I shall go and plan what I'm going to do every day now that exams are over!! :)


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I'm a happy mime

after i have chiong-ed, mugged, studied, read, filled, drew on, eaten, slapped, kicked, aeroplane-ized, tissued, hammed, bejewelled and just about intellectually molested every single available textbook and worksheet around.

its over. praise God.

yay guys shopping dawns.

- Nat

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With all i am
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Hello! I have been tasked to revive this horribly dead-ish blog! With strict instructions NOT to be emo, bimbo or weird. Oh guys, you go against everything I am, but I shall try not to be that for this short 5minute post. Righttt.

1. EOYs!

Sigh I am proud to announce that I can successfully tell you how much waste-per-head people in Luxomberg produces a year, the meaning of Mercutio, how to make a bulb even brighter by magically making wires migrate to and fro, how to calculate the volume of a watermelon and what ying2 yong4 fa2 is!

I also learnt that some gerbils can be born pregnant -gasps- And Osma Bin Laden is apparently an avid reader of MAD magazine. AND you can start a fire by rubbing together two Cool Ranch Doritos (It'll be quite difficult though).

Yes, it's the usual ol' late-night mugging, feverishly downing two cups of coffee in the morning, praying during exams, and then hurriedly discussing answers after the paper. And then after that, going to Bugis to shop! (somehow that's such an MG thing to do)

2. True Blue?

Speaking of mg, I have been filled with mg love recently! Just the sight of our Bamboo courtyard flooded by the morning sun, and the little girls shou la shou yi qi zou-ing, makes my heart fill with such joy and pride. MG is filled with beautifoo sights. Like the lady that screams out of her car window every morning when i do traffic duty, asking her daughter to eat her biscuits. And the cute orange grandma with her orange mini Cooper that almost ran me over. It's all so wonderful the way people come together under our white and blue roof to learn.

mg is wonderful, and I love it, mucho-mucho.

3. Untitleable

Nothing much else happening, really. So this will be radom. (and i'm afraid, very emo, blonde, weird etcetc)

I'm thinking... that lots of people want to 'find themselves'. Like, their purpose in life, who they are, what they like. But.. why would we want to fit into a preconceived notion of 'who we are'. That is what you're doing isn't it? Finding a definition of yourself and ergo acting in accordance with it. But maybe life isn't a search, but the process of slow birth. Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

--------- (i shall do the anty thing and put this random fragmenting line)

On this day of your life, Nathalie, we believe God wants you to know ... that you are not to shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find and keep.
In God We Trust
The quickest way to find love is to give love. If you want it too badly, you will not find it. The most secure way to keep love is to give it space and care to grow. If you hold it too tightly, you will lose it.

ohmegash i love this application thing. It's the best thing since sliced bread.

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chasing liberty
Thursday, October 8, 2009
whoo i had the urge to post this

This is what happens when you run out of topics in an msn conversation.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
aish:I'd say its not a must. (:
keisha: as long as its british i really dont mind. will jones look a like wld be a definite:D
nat: no. you dont need to be good looking, i dont mind really.

2. Smart?
aish:yes please. but he musn't think I'm dumb
keisha: my cut of point is RI, wadya think

3. Preferred age?
aish:I cannot like someone with a mind so old and wise, or with a voice that hasn't broken, so same age would be good.
keisha: As long as not noticeably much older its alright.
nat:it would be kinda weird to run my hands through coarse cheekopek hair, so no.

4. Preferred height?
aish:taller than me! honestly, not that hard to be taller than me
keisha: i MUST be able to wear high heels with him
nat:TALLER. heels are painful, and he's not worth the pain!

5. How about sense of humor?
aish:must laugh at everything I laugh at=must laugh at practically everything!
keisha: haha it isnt THAT difficult to make me laugh
nat: yess. emokid is not hot. as long as you laugh with me, not at me (we all know how difficult that is going to be:D)

6. How about piercings?
aish:NO!! I don't do gangster people heh.
keisha: Noo way, i dont want to end up having to buy jewelery for him
nat: IF YOU'RE AS HOT AS JACK SPARROW, then i guess fine.if not its AHBENG ttm.

7. Accepts you for who you are?
aish:yess!! Must think I am a wonderful person.
keisha: by far the most important trait of all
nat: no. maybe. yes. dont know.

8. Pink hair?
aish:I still think pink is not for guys.
keisha: as long as im not seen with him.
nat:YES SO I CAN TERRORIZE KEN WITH IT. besides, we can dye his hair different colours every weekend!

9. Mushy or no?
aish:19 percent muchy is just nice. 20 is too much.
keisha: His british-accent flirts must ALL be reserved for me
nat:he must say i love you in chinese tamil english and malay!and write love letters too.
andandadn buy lots of presents and flowers (COS IM JUST A MATERIAL GIRL)

10. Thin or fat?
aish:As long as he looks normal
keisha: Acceptable
nat:hmm normal. so he can't accuse me of being anoerxic!

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
aish:I really don't mind. Just not Black, I don't think anyone's Black. cuz then they're just burnt or something.
keisha: BRI-ISH!!!!!
nat:black + yellow= still black. brown + yellow= golden. white + yellow= marigold colour. I WANT GOLDEN BABIES.

12. Long hair or short hair?
aish:Short hair!! If not he'll be buying hair ties and hair bands, and before you know, he looks like a girl.
keisha: I believe in him if he has a japanese hair stylist.
nat:SHORT. if not, we'll both walk down the street with the same hair! then how to tell us apart!

13. Plastic or metal?
aish:Human please, thank you. (:
keisha: IHNI what this is.
nat:hmm i would rather he have plastic retainers over metal braces.

14. Smells good?
aish:Duh, hygiene is important, I dislike smelly things and ppl.
keisha: As long as he doesnt stink. (literally and figuratively)
nat:yes, smell nice please! like my dog.

15. Smoker?
aish:No Way....
nat:i don't mind really. the devil may care attitude will be smokin hot while it lasts. and when i get tired of it i can reform you!

16. Drinker?
aish:I refuse to end up being the sole bread winner of the house with a lousy drunkard husband. (:
keisha: who could resist the occasional wine
nat:HHMMM. NO. maybe a beer on weekends. but this is where i draw the line.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
aish:as long as he is nice (winks)
keisha: Waaaay too cliched. I dont want a finn!
nat:NONONO. GOSH SO BORING. i want someone who goes jet setting to india during the holidays to build houses! and someone who wears acid faded jeans and doesnt care that it looks bad.

18. Muscular?
aish:not too muscular!! cuz they'll just turn to fats in a few years. :) but if I'm involved in a fight, the muscles will help save my life.
keisha:not bodybuilder THEHULK type
nat:i must have strong tanned biceps that match the floral designs on my nails!

19. Plays piano?
aish:yess!the piano is the amazing thing ever. (:
keisha: definitely, we could play a duet together.
nat:if you want to, i guess. not much of a deal-breaker

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
aish:uh guitar's good. (:
keisha: alright i guess
nat:hmmm. YES MUCHO SEXY. play it like bruce springsteen

21. Plays violin?
aish:nonono......hmm actually I guess its okay.
keisha: JIHOO

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop
aish:who even does that?
nat:NO. haha preferably, i would be first!

35. Dimples?
aish:If it looks good then why not? but not until he looks like a car with too many dents.
keisha: haha for dimpled darling children SUREE
nat:NO. look like someone pocked parallel holes in your face eeee.

36. Bookworm?
aish:kind of, kind of not. he should have read books that are esential to read, but not till he reads and has no time to talk to me. Priorities must be known!
keisha: Who doesnt enjoy literature:D
nat:YESYES. because i'll be reading over candlelight dinner anywya. we can discuss books during long car rides and picnics on pastures!

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
aish:AWW SO MUSHY. haha I guess a few would be good enough for a story to tell.
keisha: Aww but that also depends on his writing abilities.
nat: i dont think that theres much more you can do to seduce me than to write one of those.

38. Playful?
aish:slighty, but must know when to be serious. hahaha if not he'll forget to pay the bills haha.
keisha: haha i dont want to be bored to death.
nat: motto: playful, not playboy.
{waited approximately 10 minutes for this answer!!!(she puts alot of thought into it. haha, she's thinking if noel will like her answer or not.,)}

39. Flirt?
aish:I said no......sincerity is important.
keisha: too much wld be nauseating
nat:flirting? not in the low class way. HIGH CLASS FLIRTING. -nods sagely-

40. Poem writer?
aish:yesyes! ohoho, I would love a prodigy like shakespeare.
keisha: Must be gorgeous, tear-able ones
nat:yesss. poem writers make me swooneth.

41. Serious?
aish:when its necessary.
keisha: towards the right issues.
nat:yes, serious. i can't stand himbos. besides, i need someone to brood with me!

42. Campus crush?
aish:I don't mind. but MG doesnt have guys.....haha
keisha: When im in oxfordd:D
nat:I must admit, certain guys schools have something special in their water.

43. Painter?
aish:Artistic ability is hard to find. :) so it would be nice I think
keisha: Painters Starve and die before they become famous.
nat:AIYO PAINT THEN PAINT LA. what do i have to do with it!

44. Religious?
aish:yupyup, to a certain extent. Depends actually.
keisha: Not overly.
nat:no, it's not a big factor.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
keisha: NOO MORE PIKACHUS PLEASEE -oh the horror-
nat:haha somehow, the non conformist loners in a corner always seem so compelling.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
aish:NONE. Stereotypes like these do not define him. haha.
keisha: I will petition against counterstrike, Dota and World of War craft!
nat:gosh my number one rule is NO DOTA. never. NO. NOnoNO.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
aish:as long as he can pronounce properly I'm fine.
keisha: cnt say that wldnt be useful when travelling
nat:haha nono. you'll scare me with your intellect, just as long as u can speak the language of L.O.V.E (ahaha oh dear)

48. Loyal or faithful?
aish:aren't they both the same? and yes, of course!!
keisha: 2nd most important trait/s
nat:haha get a dictionary. same thing.

49. Good kisser?
aish:I don't know......character matters more what......don't know
keisha: doesnt matter really.
nat:haha aishani SO SWEET. :) yes, please kiss nice-ly. if not, then whats the use!

50. Loves children?
aish:YES cuz I do too! he must not be the neighbourhood bully haha
keisha: of course! i dont stand for child abuse
nat:NO PLEASE DO NOT COO AT BABIES ACROSS THE STREET. please, for the love of all men. bah, doesn't matter to me. dont want children anyway.

i no longer want to copy and paste. EVER!

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
"I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the begining"

"Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something and wishing they were right there with you"

"Everyone's afraid of something, that's how you know you care about things, when you're afraid you'll lose them"

"Maybe not everything is supposed to last forever. Certain things are like skywriting; like a really beautiful thing that only lasts for a couple moments"

"I am a jumble of passions, misgivings and wants. It seems that I am always in a state of wishing and rarely in a state of contentment."

"Do you know what's the mark of people worth keeping for the rest of your life? It's when you become impossible to deal with, yet they stay"

- love, Nat

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Me Engrish Proo SIALA
Monday, October 5, 2009
A few laughs to keep you happy amidst this stressful mugging period.

Brewing tea- the art of comprehension.

The Evolution of recycling as we know it.

Pay Payer!

Dont worry, its like feathers on nails. HONEST!

Common mistake isnt it so?.

I would never think of it!.

Haha, i fully acknowledge the retardedness of this post, but we need all need a laugh sometimes right.

My secret safehaven: :D


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The hours
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Aishani!

The perfect tribute would be able to say how much you mean to me. It would be able to translate various shapes on the keyboard into your actions and words that inspire and calm me. The perfect tribute would put a radiant smile on your face, just like the times when i smiled because of you. This, most likely won't be a perfect tribute- it's a figment of the masterpiece, the reflection of an image in a dusty mirror. But, it's the best way i could possibly think of telling you how much i care.

I thought for half an hour about what to say to fill up the white space here, but then i realized. There is nothing left to be said. Every single piece of advice, encouragement, love, has already been expressed or written. Everything i want you to know, you most likely already do. And that's the beauty that the friendship between you, Keish and I share. That things don't need to be said out loud to be heard.

You can hear me worrying, even though i never ever say it aloud. You can sense our sadness in the silences and the joy in our eyes. And despite knowing that you read us like a book, that all our horrible thoughts can be extracted from our brains, we trust you with it. We trust you with ourselves, and the fact that you still love us in spite of it only makes us much more open to who we are. And that in itself is a gift, one of many you have bestowed.

So thank you Aishbo, for being such a carebear. I won't make any jokes about your skin today. Just know that "Though i know i'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before, I know i'll often stop and think about them. In my life i love you more". Time, is nothing.

Love, Nat.

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