the girl next door

aishani. keisha. nat.
a: is cute, but alot more. period. n: the sexy schizophrenic ringleader k: a pikachu like no other

“When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad, I’m better.” — Mae West.
underline italic bold
scream out loud

you're on your way

she flares her nostrils
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wow, all the tributes have disappeared. I will bring them back once again, because of our very special 1st Prop, KEISHA ONG. This Pikachu is one, that has never failed to show us that charming smile, and tell us that we’re a team that can win if we want to. This is Pikachu is one, that has kept our team as one throughout this year, and even through difficult times. So this Pikachu, really deserves this tribute. Keisha, here it is. (ohoh this is aishani btw!)

(failed barrister attempt 1)

First off, her pseudo British accent. Not only does she look like Pikachu, she has certain airs about herself that make us really like her. For example, Keisha like to fantasize, thinking that she’s speaking for the Queen of England, when really, she’s just amusing Imran with her accent. She loves Going “No, no, no” in that particular tone, and loves thinking that she is Brit-ish though her accent is really quite phail sorry to say. But Keisha, british or Chinese you’re all the same our wonderful team mate, and we really couldn’t do without you. Yes, she is currently (and probably permanently) obsessed with Will Jones, and loves saying his name the Brit-ish! way, (Weil Jo-uuns), but still we wouldn’t be able to do without the kind of inspiration she gives us and the way she spurs us on throughout trainings and competitions.

Yes occasionally, she becomes this emo little Pikachu who no one can contact or talk to because she wouldn’t listen. But it is precisely this sort of determination and desire to show ourselves as something that make her Keisha, and that makes us the team we are, which we wouldn’t be without her.

Secondly, her Pika imitation. I introduced her officially as Pikachu a few days ago, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one to say that her imitation of that comical Pokemon character is truly one of a kind. The way she tilts her head and cocks it to one side going “Pika pika!” in that high pitched voice really makes us laugh, and that’s what many of us need when we’re at Imran’s tranings in desperate need of a pick-me-up.She’s always there whenever you need her to tell you how good or bad you were, and help you as much as she can. Haha Keisha this may be embarrassing but its true, you make a fabulous pika.
(rmbr pika, you still have that dare to do)
Seriously even Imran thinks she’s cute.

Thirdly, Keisha’s all time famous catch phrase. “No you hear, you hear.”
This sentence is something we all probably hear every day we meet her, every single mushroom society meeting we have and every training. (nat: she really does say it every single day. every single day!- sigh- )

The message she sends out, Pika knows what she’s doing, so when she has something to say, DO NOT INTERRUPT.

Haha, but really, no one can blame her, because sometimes Keisha comes up with her brilliant brainwaves, and these are the ones that potentially make us win a debate sometimes. So all in all, her “you hear you hear”s are actually very trustworthy and it is definitely worth it being interrupted by Keisha, because we all know that we can always trust her with what she’s doing. She loves debate and would go till the ends of the earth for it, and that kind of reliability is indeed hard to find. So that’s why, she’s not just a first prop that sets out fundamentals, she’s the team member that secures us in place, the lock to every victory we have.

Lastly, Keisha is famous for something very very interesting. This amazing girl drinks 4 bottles of mineral water every day, buying them from cold storage or even the school canteen. During training, just glance at Keisha, and 80 percent of the time, she’s likely to be gulping down water. And when there’s training, the girl finishes up to 6 bottles of water.

Her reasoning for this : Someone once told me that if you drink a lot of water, you get very good skin.

Well, nat and I both know this. That the someone is most likely HANNAH MONTANA, (nat is crazy about that show).

Let me quote “Hydrated skin is happy skin. Cant rmbr which episode, all I know is that its likely that Keisha Ong is inspired by Hannah Montana. Gee so unexpected.

But whether her inspiration is Hannah Montana, or will jones, she’s still the one team member you know you can always count on to do whatever she’s told to do, and more importantly, do what’s best for the team. She’s the one team member who you know will never let you down and it is evident that we as a team, and debate as a whole, matter VERYVERY much to her. And it is precisely because of this love for debate which we all share, that makes us like Keisha so much. But more than that, we all know that there’s only 1 Keisha Ong that we’ll ever find. And I think everyone would agree, that she’s the best one we’ve got.

WE LOVE YOU KEISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(back to the top.)

Monday, September 28, 2009
The triangle.. Really. My 5 years of learning piano, has completely gone down the drain. Oh well, even if its the triangle, the triangle rocks socks. I vote for the liberation of triangle-ists ,who is with me!


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MSN brainwave


Aishani: Guitar (after she learns by herself when eoys are over. MUST HURRY UP)

Keisha: Triangle (no, seriously. the triangle is an amazing instument. she will rock the stage with her triange in hand.)
<--- yes that's keisha.

Nat: Singing.
she is the only women/man in the band with an awesome deep hunky voice. (Note: she's still working on pitching and tone-deafness)

pickup line: "baby, i can be your first proposition"

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Here's to ridiculously long tributes!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
"Tributes, an acknowledgement of gratitude, respect, or admiration."

And since everyone here has begun the business of acknowledging each other for their contributions, i shall, too, tell people things which i've always wanted them to know. (ohoh! this is Nat btw) Your presences(s) are transcendent and omnipotent in my life, and i just couldn't let another tribute-y session go by without telling you how much you mean to me.

So! Let the extravagant show of female sentimentality begin:

1) Imran (EEH-YIM-RUN) Tribute Part 2

Dude, its rather unfortunate i have to bolster your already megaton ego with more words of appreciatiion and (heaven save us) adoration. But it's too bad, you're just that kick butt sia. And so since you can't stand female sentimentality, I shall say the following, in the hopes of making you feel extreme discomfort! :D (i hope its enough to express the spew of gratitude and respect i have for you. honest)

Ahem. My entire life, i've been looking for someone to be a father-figure, someone i would dream of becoming like someday and someone i could take as a real-life example of who i want to grow up to become. And now, at the ripe old age of 14, i have found someone i want to be like one day.

You're not the sewing lady who sews our piece of tapestry. You're the piece of string that holds all us other strings together. You aren't just the distant milestone, you are the bridge leading to that stone. (haha, you started the bad analogies first!) Thanks you Im, for being someone i can look up to. And i really do want to be like you one day. Y'know, be someone's inspiration, muse and teacher.

-warcry- imlets will take over the world!


Bwahaha! time has come to talk about everyone's favourite primary school kid from the block.


UGH AISHANI ITS SO HARD TO WRITE YOURS. i shall finish soon tho:)

3) The Best Juniors EVER (no, not just juniors. Friends) <3

Today as i looked through all the photos, I've come to realise how much i love you adorable freaks!

Jewug's face smiling, just like the thousand times she's never failed to :D at us and run to engulf us in bear hugs (just like today when she delicately passed me a piece of claypot chicken in the concourse. I had to hold it for 15 minutes before the car arrived haha jeww) DEAR GIRL PLEASEE AH NO MORE "we are not living in utopia!" :) But it's such a wonderful improvement from your old 'kopitiam aunty who badly needs english lessons' days. keep the passion you have, because its rare and precious. you inspire me, you really do. -bear hug- i love you, always.

Anty, with her post-asthma boomz, and her slightly bewildered look as i fangirled about her brother. (ahaha toasting to walter at new york new york). between debating with each other, helping with Life Sci homework and raving about Island Creamery, you are <3s! my own personal ac gossip machine (without which i would be much less informed and disturbed by ac debaters. but most importantly, you're the girl that refused to back down and didnt let anyones perception of her affect who she really is. and that antykins, is honourable. you are your own person.(: i love you loads, UNGRAMMM.

! The green one on the epic fail neoprints machine! From "failed broadway actress" to "impactful", you kinda remind me of me, except much much better. haha yes a true lady indeed! (HAH YOU SEE I IS LADY) haha don't be afraid to be brilliant dahhling. go out and flash them your killer smile (aha this is when the resemblance becomes clearer). take all the challenges in your stride, learn, grow, but most importantly, love. and just like what we discussed at island creamery ages ago, i love you and i thank God everyday for you.

Anmol! HELLO YOU PRINCESS. haha things might seem tough and bleak, but just know how grateful we all are for your constant presence and help, and the humour and joy you bring with you. For that, i truly must applaud you. (: God has a time and place for everything kay? I trust that your time will come. Just carry on working hard, the door will open up to you. I know you want this, so go get it. HUGGLES.

(alright, the tributing is allmosst over. just wait.) i couldn't ask for more wonderful, better, caring, beautiful people to have as juniors. As you take the reigns next year and as you eventually become the ones at the top, I have no doubt that you'll push us to even higher ground and continue establishing our legacy.

Debates might be screwed up sometimes, you might get slammed by Imran everyday; but the joy you get from doing something you love is bountiful. Most importantly, the joy you bring to other people watching you and supporting you is transcendent. Don't be a distant milestone to your juniors next year, but lay youself down so you can be their bridge to that stone. Just like what i, and all your other seniors, hope to do for you.

I love y'all! (:

- tribute ends-

Aishani is Bobby
Nat is Russell
Keisha is Albert.

- whoo unfinished post -

ah blogger hates me. i can no longer upload aishani's unglam pictures! KEISHA HELP.

(back to the top.)

Friday, September 25, 2009
(oh no, sounds a bit like she is already dead, but i guess that's kind of true right -hintanorexicvampirehint-)

So, after the many tributes we have posted about, i thought it was only fair we had one special tribute for our trustworthy,reliable,adorable captain. haha nat, this one is for you:

1) Love for all lame jokes
Nat:" Why is the sea wet?
me and aish: Because its filled with water?
Nat: No because the sea wee-ed.
me and aish: -shakeshead-

Nat: "What is softer than a sponge"
me and aish: feathers,tissue,cotton?
Nat: (whispers) a sponge

2) Naming of inanimate objects
plant tissue culture-You shall be called BOB.
plant that sits on her table currently- Do not water Albert he will dieeee.
eraser in a shape of a cat, that had its head ripped off by alicia-You killed Jacob.

3)Her presence in Chinese class:
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess"

(class turns behind and stares at nat)

Lao Shi: Jia En, are u singing?!

4) Comic relief during recess
(nat sits down, ready to indulge in the curry rice she ordered, realises something is amiss.)
Nat: "oh, i took two forks"

(drip,drip,drip,drip,PLOP) ice cream tears on her blouse. (store owner in the background pointing to her and laughing)

Nat: Now even strangers are laughing at me:(

5)Her lackthereof of fashion sense
(2 p.m. NUS Law Faculty)
Imran: You guys look even younger than what you actually are. At least they can pass of as sec3s.
Nat- wearing a drenched class t-shirt,black shorts, red pumps.

But really, what we love about her most, is that she is always there for us. Be it at, 2am in the morning, attempting to wake me up so we can both finish our research papers. At 8pm as we rush to jurong point to buy decorations,gifts,misc for our sec4 farewell that we were told abt last minute that we were to organize. At 7am before school starts, after an epic failure of a spar the day before. So, this post is just to say thanks, for all the times you've been there, for being our friend, and most importantly, our captain that we always can depend on.


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Who is the real zapatero?
Thursday, September 24, 2009

I am pleased to announce... that this blog is definitely getting happier! Good job all ye happy people! Go on, carry on being happy happy happy happy people!

The. emoness. stops. here.



HAPPY DURGA PUJA AISHANIIIIII! go wear your pretty polka dot dress and stun everyone.<3 many blessings!

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Imran the imbo=bimbo
Okay, I have quite a few things to talk about so here's part 1.


This part of the post is dedicated to our very special coach imran, who is going for worlds' selection whooo!!!! We're all very excited for him, because we know that whether he makes it or not, he's still a very awesome coach, who has been there for us through thick and thin, being sure to criticise accurately and even encouraging us once in a while haha.
The most valuable piece of advice he's given us is "Don't suck." And it is valuable because we'll remember not to suck throughout our lives, and always know that the fire of passion ignited in us is mostly because of inspiration from that half monkey, half chipmunk, as described by someone I shouldn't name.
So here's to the vibrant (nat says he has glowing skin. do you go for facials imran?)coach of ours, the man who's made everything for us, IMRAN!!
oh and yeahh, congrats on going for selections, and we all really sincerely hope you get in!! But like you've always said, it isn't about winning or losing, its about knowing that you went up there giving one of the best speeches you could possibly give, and really just having fun.


2. Sec one spar and other random things

okay, so the sec one spar/try outs thingo was on wednesday, and needless today, it was indeed fruitful. But more than that, we've decided to share something amazingly hilarious things that they've said which really made us laugh till we fell off our chairs. (kinda like phoebe hahaha.)

so apparently, the sec ones think that the Kyoto protocol is something that prevents greenhouse gases. Close but not quite guys, they made it sound like Kyoto protocol is the environmental superman.
They also think that the top leaders of Asia currently are Qin Shihuang and Chandragupta Maurya. Well sorry to say, we're no longer being ruled by kings, (not in most places anyway), and this really made us wonder why sec ones think that answers to debate can often be found in the History textbook. Honestly, he only thing which ever helped me from that textbook is the idea of meritocracy, and other than that, I think its quite evident that History is something that I really don't enjoy. (Ooh and keisha and I can't understand Geog for nuts either!
*virtual high five keisha!*

Best answer of the day : What is Justice?
Justice is (blank).

absolutely wondeful yes? I completely agree with it. :) Couldn't have said it better myself.
well other than all the funny answers, we're all happy that our sec ones are doing relatively well, although sanj has to start pronouncing proven as PRO-ven. Just like those PRO ri debaters.
oh and one more thing that happened.
Bertrice licked my pen.....haha a bit weird right? she's a funny team member to have, with all her random dog noises, growls and yelps, and her random statement such as "I've sanitized your pen already." haha funny funny bert.

next thing.


yesyes, you all know her as Keisha, the incredibly funny person we have in our team, the very special prop 1 we cannot do without. Well keisha, hope you're surprised after this because this post is special. This is to announce that keisha is now officially to be known by everyone as PIKACHU. yesyes, aside from being yellow, she really does look alot like that comical pokemon character. so everyone, from henceforth, you know we love PIKACHU/KEISHA!
(haha keisha hope you're not too shocked by this)

4. WARNING, THIS IS NOT RACIST. its just a funny mg debate joke. :)
one last thing to say. I, aishani sen, have to PROVE to my team that I CAN be seen! I mean come on, even my shadow is so dark that I block other people from being seen? cannot be.... well I hope not.

Keisha: Aish go toilet with me
Aish: okay! dum dum dum dee dee dum didi (humming)
Keisha: Aishani, are you trying to make noises so that people don't lose you? Cuz we can't see you anyways.
Nat: haha we must keep u on a leash or smth. ooh you're like a bat! sending out radio waves to let ppl know you're there.

Sigh, am I really that dark?

Another one. And people wonder why I feel so sad at times hmph! haha :)

Nat: eh, what's the mayo there for?
Aish: It's for putting it in the burgers.
Keisha: really?
Aish: yeahh, it won't work on me anyways.

sigh, I look like a little black cloud in all the pictures we took that day, even to the extent that my shadow makes ppl next to me blocked too! hahah guys, I'm working on it, just you wait. I shall be pearly white and glowing in no time! (Gosh I sound like those darlie toothpaste advertisements.)

I shall end here!

sigh life is so jubilant nowadays. geee I'm a happy happy person...... :D

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Lure me into your trap, please?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sigh its... ONE TWO FOUR AM. ONE TWO FOUR. I am watching reruns of R&J, while doing History notes, while blogging! (This is Nat btw) And this is the... 9th post! So...

Nine Things That I'm Thinking Of

1. Sec One Spar!

It was.. voah. To be Sec One again, to experience the same initial hesistance, the same feeling of boredom and helplessness during/after/before every debate. And then to slowly, but surely feel the rush, the adrenaline, the ecstacy of it all. And then to get addicted and lose all semblance of morality and a social life. I would give anything to be able to be in the shoes of the sec ones we auditioned today. To realize from the start the wonderful-ness of debate (forgive me, its 1am- not very coherent). And now their future is in our hands! Oh of all the ominous tasks!

But here are some of the wonderful things i've learnt today. (Which Aishani will post about soon! :) )

- never, ever, ever stand next to Aishani when taking a photo.
- never, ever, ever attempt to look retarded in a photo, especially when you already do
- bert swallows. (not sure what though)
- Everyone hates Pakistan 'cos they didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol
- Timbuktu is the only country not part of the Kyoto Protoccol
- The Kyotol Protocol is shockingly briliant, similar to a treaty.
- Justice is... (blank). This may be the best answer to be given yet.
- Our Sec Ones are wonderful and i love them mucho.

2. What Wonderful Friends I Have

No, really, I'm not kidding. I think i have the greatest friends, in the world. (coughcough Aishani and Keisha coughcough) They're always there to smack my head when i'm being overly emotional, always there to pick up the remnants of my destruction and attempt to make something out of it, always there to be family to me. And i really really really do love you alot! And the thing is, they always make so much sense to me, especially when i feel nothing in the world can possibly make sense, they suddenly come in and utter some Yoda-like phrase, and the world seems right side round again.

So yes, you guys pretty much never fail to amaze me.

3. Rod McKuen

Have i mentioned how much i love his poetry! It's really really good, understandable (unlike the Coleridge ones, which i am quite fail at), and it has meaning too (well, somewhat, depends on how you see it.

Write me a poem
Make me a song
Tell me a story
I don't yet know
Speak to me slowly
of Fire and Friday
And tell me how nice it is
walking alone

Not reassurance
but reason i need
For Spring's at the window
slowing the day down

So write me a poem
using few words
my span of attention
is five lines, no less

6. Maybe Juliet was another of Romeo's infatuations, just that she was the only one that reciprocated? Hmmm

7. Frisbee tomorrow! SOMEONE PASS ME THE FRISBEE PLEASE?:) (iwillcatchipromise!)


9. Good Night!

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My Little Decoy
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

this blog hasn't been updated in what feels like ages so i guess i'll update it now! (nat here btw)

1. S.H.I.T (So Happy It's Thursday)

Ahhhhh EOYS. It's the usual frenzy of mugging, sleeping and going to school. Although this year, i've been rather detached from all the insanity, even reading Newsweek during Chinese. :O (when i'm surrounded with people rejoicing over how they scored 22/30, getting 15/30 no longer warrants shrieking in ecstacy, even when i feel like it. sigh)

And dramatic monolougues for LA oral! I have no idea how i'm going to kiss a watermelon and say "the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss".

Lines I Like Which Noone Else Seems To:

"'Yea', quoth he, 'dost thou fall upon thy face? Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit'" (hahah! bawdy humour ftw)

"O sweet Juliet, thy beauty hath made me effeminate"

"A bawd, a bawd, a bawd! So ho!"

"O, i am fortune's fool. Why dost thou stay" (shit dammit i killed a man)

"They have made worms' meat of me"

we should've just stuck to speaking like that, its so much prettier really. And Debate speeches would be 12 minutes long!

2. mgdebate09: Epic Failure Pictures (Part 1)

he secretly enjoys it! :O

camwhore fail this isnt what it seems like

happy aishani fails!

gee we are both so hot!

attempt to be imran-esque (or in Bert's case, looking pervy)

haha, looking at all these photos make me miss debate so much. (and it worries me how so many of them involve imran in comprimising positions) thank god we have Sec One Spar tomorrow! Where our mushroom club/JonYap Appreciation Society can meet up again! <3

now, its your turn. to post.

3. I am sorry! Couldn't help it!

The Pause, Before the Going

And the fine sun of fifty
saw him dying and alone
Just a man struck down suddenly
by something not yet known
Just a man who spent all his life
hoping once to soar
And all the while expecting
something more.

ahh i don't know why but i have this compulsive urge to write late at night and i'm left alone with my thoughts.

- Nat

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We can be non-emo. HONEST!
Saturday, September 19, 2009

With increasing remarks about the "emo-ness" of this blog, lets...

It was a joyous occasion, it was a tiring occasion. Comprising of 4 grueling debates, life-sustaining red bull,violent threats and warm hugs, its one day that we will never forget. So this post is dedicated to MG U14s and all our seniors and friends who made it possible:D

round 1: MG vs CHIJ St.Nicks (opp)
(THW grant mentally ill and their families the right to refuse treatment)

Prep was hilarious and very reminiscent of our previous endeavors with medical ethics motions.

-We should assist the healthy to commit suicide, in the event they chose a bad place to jump off the building and affect the go
od feng shui there.
-Forget about organ trading, we can solve the organ shortage with pig dialysis. (ie: connecting a pig to the patient)

-We must allow the selection of human embryos based on genetic characteristics so that parents will no longer practice favoritism. "Hey! my friend is a test tube baby, she was born from IVF tooo-aishani"

Sigh, medical ethics just isn't our thing. Debate went quite horribly, both teams didnt engage,evolve or elaborate. First thing imran said when we came out? "you are going to lose, if you debate like that".

round 2: MG vs ACSI (prop)
(THW allow convicted criminals to chose the death penalty over life imprisonment)

This prep was very bad. We panicked for the first 40 minutes, struggling to find any information that could possibly run was a logical case. " give me a substantive or i will throw this chair-anne", yes prep was THAT bad. But, surprisingly, we all had sudden epiphanies during the last 5 minutes.

I was too agressive, anne was bored, nat forgot to wear the blazer. Yet somehow, we did perform well. Imran was nodding his head furiously, and it was nice to actually see a sparkle of pride in his eyes when the adjudicator announced that we won. Oh, speaking about the adjudicator he is a living replica of the ninja turtles, all that was missing was a red headband. Amusing really.

round 3: MG vs RI (opp)
(THB in India's economy)

Oh well, we would have preferred a motion on bollywood with its sexy films but economy is seductive too right. Truthfully, we were shocked to be against RI. I vaguely recall saying "oh shit" as were waslking to our prep rooms, only to find the whole contingent of RI boys behind. Sigh awkward,embarassing strange moment. With fantasies of getting into the finals and being ranked as best speaker, we pulled through a very exhausting prep.

The debate was exciting, there was engagement and evolution throughout, with a clear line of logic from both sides. Imran tore his notebook and almost broke a pen during this debate. Yes, an emotional roller coaster it was. Definitely the best debate of the day.

Imran: Aishani, you sound like a primary school girl.
Aishani: Noooooo -she says indignantly- (smallgirl hair curls bouncing freely in the wind)

round 4: MG vs ACSI(again) prop
(THW grant amnesty to dictators in exchange for them stepping down)

This was it, the finals the last obstacle we needed to clear. Prep was alright, we had loads of examples and statistics on hand that we could use. (Me and my Economist, Nat and her Newsweek) The debate was decent but it definitely didnt surpass the RI one. "Slap the baby they are slapping the baby-nat", Nat inspired me to twist the analogy, and that would go down as my first successful reply speech.

- Keisha, three adjudicators came up to me to tell me you sounded exactly like me. I know they say imitation is the best form of flattery but really you can worship me in many other ways.
-Anne, you are a bored waitress who seemed like she was just dragged randomly from the streets today to debate.
-Nat, you debate like a boy.

-THE END- to a rather lengthy post.


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The Viewpoint
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
hello! I've decided to be inspired by nat, and sit, stone and write like she said before. It won't be as pro as hers but I'll try haha.
btw, it may not rhyme as well. But i know it is poetry because it is written from my heart.
okay here it goes!

The Viewpoint

The mighty winds blow
Impactful and strong
Footprints in the sand
along the beach,
they move along.

Moving moving
slowly out of shape
Till the past disappears
A form of closure, an escape

Despair and terror
As darkness befalls
she blankets the entire earth
with a fragile elegance

But just a smile
dancing on our lips
can illuminate
melancholic hearts.
The one thing to fight it all,
The love so alive
on everyone's part.

It looks like a dream.
But it's a story, a viewpoint.
Not fantasy, just incomplete
with reality unknown
Till the heartbeat stops.

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Cascading and falling.
Nat here! :)

Hi guys! Awh, why is this blog so artsy and emo? Haha.:) Sigh so many problems lately, and i can't help but to just sit, stone, and write stuff. I'll talk to you tomorrow? Got some stuff to say about some stuff. Oh and i'm sorry Aishani i forgot to wait for you today! Call me if you see this at a sane hour? Haha. Love you!

Waves? They Crash and Burn

I reached out to the ocean,
And fell in love with the wave’s persuasion
They reminded me of you, that day
Water recoiling at my feet, inability to stay

It was a yellow moon sneaking in the night,
To tease you away; it burns bright
And illuminated what I knew all along
Waves’ crashing onto shore- it’s all a parting song

So the greatest tragedy of them all
Is when—cascaded—you fall…
Into the ocean, deep and blue
And it turns out to be a wading pool

p.s. shall we write a profile? Because we aren't AHuiShi and we don't like The Ting Tings! :p

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What can I ask for?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
This is aishani btw! :)

Our days are always so full of questions.
Children can't stop asking questions. my mum tells me I ask too many, and that I should stop.
Is that really true?

when we close our eyes, everyone sees different things. The absence of light is not a barrier to our mind. Our minds have no limits. No one lacks imagination and sometimes, people need to understand that.

I look out of the window, and I see the large blue sky. I try to picture it like I'm at the top of the world. like, the sky is actually rounded, such that my view is that of a fraction of earth's surface. But that's just me. The big picture. some people see darkness. Darkness they want to see. They protest and say that they're afraid of it. But it is the fear itself which draws it nearer to you. And I guess that's the fact that people fear most. That is, if they get to understand it first.

So is it wrong? To open our eyes thinking that imagination is not reality? Is it wrong to say that the world cannot be what we want it to? Must life always be so practical, to the extent that it becomes one-dimensional?

I guess that's what limits humans who think that they can't let their imagination run off. But we need to know that no matter where it goes, it always always comes back to reality. That's why exploring and discovering our imagination is so great. Because you can't get lost in it, no matter how much people think you can.
But some don't let their minds return. They're afraid. Afraid of what's going to happen tomorrow. Afraid that world won't see them for who they really are. Afraid of getting lost in the past, and not making it to the future. A forgotten memory, a page torn out of the book.

But if you open your eyes, and just breathe, you'll realise this.
That if at the end of the day, we can get through it all, then I guess that's all we can ask for, because you know there will be those who leave you smiling no matter what.

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Iridescent- showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.
Iridescent,its a pretty word isn't it. One of those words that just roll of your tongue, drops into conversations and floats in your head subconsciously. Lately, with more time on my hands I've come to be more aware of my surroundings. Those unspoken secrets that you just happen to stumble upon. Those whispers of new and unfound joy. Something magical that just whisks u away.

Have you...

Ever sat real still, and gazed out of the bus only to be submersed in those fleeting images. But,when you notice something that interest you, it passes too fast and leaves you with the disappointing knowledge of an almost-forever farewell.

Lay down on a nice sheet of grass and just looked up at the sky to be engulfed by the stars and the moon. Where you just feel like laughing and smiling and all forms of worries just seem to leave you.Nothing matters but the small bright gems that shine for you and you alone.

Burst into song, to a catchy tune when you are all alone, in silence. You begin humming slowly, adding a few phrases here and there and before you know it you are singing for all that you are worth. The tune of familiarity becomes your entire being, tearing down the walls of embarrassment and fear, and you just open your mouth and sing.

Closed your eyes real tight and discover the world behind it. Brilliant flashes of light and colors, moving and changing into shapes, patterns figures and characters. Its all to realistic and you can feel every change and every movement and when you open your eyes, its all there in front of you. Magenta circles hanging on the door knob,violet triangles racing across the ceilings and random splats of all the colours in the rainbow.

Iridescent, Everything can change when you look at it from a different angle.


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"All these places have their moments"
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hello! Whoo alrightyo this is a shared blog. Which will now be shared by Nat, Keisha and Aish! (: Okay, this is Nat. Right, I shall skip the first-post-formality syndrome and jump straight into it! :)

Okay, this first post is dedicated to someone really dear to me, Aishani Sen. Firstly, because she's always there with songs and hugs when i need them, and secondly, because she helped me with setting up this whole blog thing. And thirdly, because she's.. yeah. SO! AISHANI DEAR! :) To express my utmost joy i've had being your friend i have composed a poem.*gasp* (Which i have named after a Britney movie to express my support for her)


The notes we wrote
Might fade to grey
The laughter we shared
Might echo away
The songs we sang
Might be forgotten, one day
The tears we shed
Might no longer say


All good things come to an end, someday
Rainbows disappear, butterflies fly away
But the memories are here to stay
And if our fates demand it so
Because somewhere in our hearts we know...
That maybe, it's time to
let it go
Then it'll be sad, but it's true
Life can't always be me and you

Our paths have met, and then crossed...
But now, they must divide
So, at times when I am feeling lost
I'll just look over my shoulder
To the spot where your presence is embossed
Paved with loved, not regret
And I'll say
I'm so happy we met

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